This fun kit has been a LONG time in the making - Nibbles Skribbles and I had been talking about doing this and getting bits done on it for over a year now, but for some reason or another we just couldn't make it come together in our minds.... We wanted to do a big kit about all kinds of pets - instead it's morphed into a series of kits about different pets. This month's pet is dogs!! We had a lot of fun once we finally figured out exactly what we wanted to do and did it! In fact, once I got going, I had a hard time stopping!! Hope all you dog lovers out there enjoy this kit as much as I enjoyed making it!
Our CT's did an amazing job with this!!
And I had some fun too - I have 5 kids and so right now I don't have the attention to give to a dog too - so we are currently (mostly) pet-less (we do have a fish.... well my dd has a fish) But my sister has the CUTEST and SWEETEST little yorkie that I got to hang out with last summer while visiting and I got some fun pics of him - and this was a perfect chance to scrap them!!
And a fun little freebie for you! Click the image to snag it!